Forest & Taboo

Ioanna Portolou | Griffon Dance Company
29-30 June 2015 Peiraios 260, Hall E
Athens Epidaurus Festival

Forest & Taboo zooms in on a dual relationship by choreographing two duets which shed light on diverse aspects of coexistence. A man and a woman, two tangible creatures that brim with life, enter the Forest in a symbolic walk into the unknown, with all the darkness and light therein. Taboo traces deeper layers of human behaviour that emerge when the limits of what is commonly regarded as acceptable are overcome.

The choreographer employs the dancers’ bodies, movement and rhythm as her tools. She chooses to dissect rather than represent by setting aside anything unnecessary, acknowledging individual differences and placing her trust in the chemistry between the two performers.

    Choreography - Research: Ioanna Portolou
    Music: Anthony Palaskas
    Dancers: Giannis Nikolaidis, Cesil Mikroutsikou
    Lighting design: Tasos Palaioroutas
    Costume and set design: Ioanna Tsami
    "Forest" premiered in the fall of 2014, in a co-production between
    Griffón Dance Co. and the Greek Art Theatre.